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- zizz031
- said my friend,"i'm good, not cocky, kind of quiet, pretty smart", and there are many more.
Rabu, 01 Desember 2010

The Human Body
ankle | arm | chest | foot | hand | knee
leg | neck | shoulder back | bottom | calf | elbow | head
heel | thigh
Close up on the foot Close up on the hand ...
Jumat, 26 November 2010

If you ever watch ads cola-cola? pastinyaa yalloooo!! Do you know the meaning of the advertisement?
Advertisement is information for persuade and motivate a people a so that it will attacted them to the service an things that areffered.
The fungtion of advertisement is for :
- Promotion
- Communication
- Information
Kinds of Advertisement :
A. Family advertisement
B. Invitation advertisement
C. Sponsored advertisement
D. Advertisement that prouises goods which is...

Have you eaten?
Did you eat in that canteen this morning?
Meanwhile, for the second sentence is the questioner asked whether the person questioned has been eating at some time in the past in a canteen equally they already know.For the second sentence above is the Simple Past Tense sentences we have discussed previously (please see again if still do not understand). The first sentence is the sentence Simple Present Perfect Tense.
The present perfect tense...

Just say hii.. to everyone.
Greetings is costomary or rituli as red words or phases used to introduce oneslep or to greet some one.
Greeting can be expressed both audibly physically and often involre a combination of the two.
Example :
- Hi (saying) it when yoa meet with a person, usually used in a informal
- Hello (saying) it when you meet with a person
- Good morning
- Good afternoon
- Good night
- Good evening
- Good bye
- See you
- (it wat) nice...

Untuk menyatakan suatu pekerjaan, peristiwa, atau kejadian yang terjadi hari ini, atau kejadian yang berulang kali atau merupakan suatu kebiasaan sehari – hari.
Formula : A : S + to be (am, is, are) + ……
B : S + verb bentuk I + (S / es) + ….
Affirmative (+) Negative (-) Interrogative (?)
S + verb I + s / es S + do not / does not verb I Do / does + s + verb I
I + verb I
We + verb I
They + verb I
You + verb I
She + verb I + s / es
He + verb I + s / es
It + verb...

1. Simple past tense is a kind of tense which is used to describe an event or action that happened already in a certain time in past.
- The pattern :
(+) subject + verb II + complement
(-) subject + did not + verb II + complement
(?) did + subject + verb I
- The example :
(+) I went to Jakarta last week
(-) I did not go anywhere yesterday
(?) did you go last Sunday?
- Adverbs used :
Yesterday, last night, last week, two days ago, efew minutes ago, last weekend,...

Procedure text is designed to describle now something is achieved through a sequence of action or steps. Is explains now people perform different process in sequence of steps. This text uses the simple present tense, often imperativesen tence. It also usually user in the temporal conjuctions, such, as first, second, the, next, finally, etc.
The generic structures of procedurt text are :
1. Goal / aim (or title)
2. Material (nnot required for all procedural...

Narrative text is a text that is used for the purpose of entertaining or a musing, creating, stimulating emotions, motivating, guilding, and teaching the listeners and it usually deals with actual or vicious experience. Narrative text’s such as : fable (mouse dear and crocodile), legend folk tales (sangkuriang, Maling kundang), fair tale (cinderela, snow white, pinochio).
The Characteristics of Narrative text :
1. Past Tense
2. Dialogues
3. Lingking words that...
Kamis, 25 November 2010

Hii cuy..I will tell you about my holiday. Last holiday after national examination, i went to Java for 4 days with my family. My father and my mother went to Java for work 3 days before my brother and I went there. In Java, we went to many places.That was an amazing holiday!
This is a example recount text. Did you know that the recount text?
Recount text is a text that is user to retell event for the purpose of forming or entertaining.
The generic structures of recount...

Announcement is something said, written, or printed to make know what has happened or (more often)what will happen, in writing an announcemen, keep tha following points :
- The title / type of event
- Date / time, place
- Contact person
Example :
This is a news school year. Many new student are around and they need to know our school rules. Pease be helpful to them and extend curtesy to their parents. Thank ...

Giving Instruction is an expression on that is used in order that other person does what we instruct or request.
Giving Instruction is use to order to do something to some one kinds of giving instruction :
- Verb 1
- Wash your hand !
- Eat your meal !
- Sit down !
- Cover your foot !
- Sweep the floor !
- Be + adjective / noon :
- Be your self !
- Be a good student !
- Be strong !
- Be happy !
- Don’t + V. infinitive :
- Don’t aimb !

Gaining attention is a way or expressions that is spoken so that other people will pay their attention to what we want to.
Attention to show moment somebody. Want to talk the important something. Or one announcement or to need something.
What would you say to gain attention :
- Attention please
- May / can I have your attention, please ?
- Excese me
- Look here!
- Listen to me, please.
- Waiter?
- Wow really?
Response :
- Wow, Really?
- I’m listening
- Wow, that’s...

Sympathy Expressions is an expression or feeling of pity and sorrow when we know and we know and see someone or people are unlucky or have troble and in bad condition. By expressing sympathy we want to show our concern or carefulness on other people’s condition.
How can we give sympathy expressions to someone??
We express it directly to him / her orally or we can use a letter or card by post alse by short message sevice (SMS), e-mail, television, radio, and...

Expressing happiness is a kind of text that’s to expression a happiness feeling.
The expressing of happy is Expression it succeed to get what we need, it we happy to see, to meet, or to be aquainted with someone…We can expressing with :· Word· Gesture · ExpressionsØ I’m happyØ I’m (very) pleased / (really) deligthed (about)…Ø I can’t say how pleased / delighted i am about it…Ø Great !Ø Tertific !Ø FantasticØ Very happy...

Appointment (waking,accepting,and cancelling) is words to explain readiness and capability to do or to do something,forexample is pleae,give,help,cowe to meet.What would we say to make or cancel an appointmentMaking an appointmentv I`d like to make an appointment with Mr.Smithv I want to make an appointment to see Mrs.Imbrugiliav I`d like you to come and see me v Can I come and see you ?v I`ll be therev What about……..Accepting an appointmentv Allright, see...

Definition of Invitation
Invitation is a way to invite someone or more to go a place or to do something. The function of invitation is to ask some one to go to a place or to do something.We usually use the “invitation” in our daily life, for example if we want to hold an event like a birthday party . We use the invitaion and if we want some one to do something , like if we want our friend to help us.We use the invitation...
Selasa, 23 November 2010
first,,I would introduce my self. My name is Aziz Munizar Rusyda from sinkrosix (rombel six), SMAN 2 palangka raya. <=== Formal bgt,,owkowwk.. eemmmm... sbenarnya agk mles" sih bwt blog,tpi mw diapain lg udh kwjban,,ylo??? (sorry sir). Wow, ga kta sdari kta udh sdikit bljr tntang greeting,ahaha copas kata" Pak Erwan (sorry sir). Ehh.. oh ya,,, the next post kta akn mmpeljari byk lg,,tgu yh. yg sbar aj yh mas or m...
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