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Jumat, 18 Februari 2011

Modal in the Past Forms

Posted by zizz031 | Jumat, 18 Februari 2011 | Category: | 0 komentar

When do we use modals?
  1. To talk about someone's ability (or inability) to do something
    Example: "We can find your house without the street plan."
    "She can't have a daughter that old!"
  2. To talk about an action that is necessary (or impossible, or not necessary)
    Example: "You must always have your driver's licence when you are driving your car."
    "You needn't carry your passport around with you."
  3. To talk about a situation that is possible (or impossible)
Example:"Do be careful with that glass, the baby might knock it over"

Modals in the Past Form

can't have
e.g. I can't have lost my keys! (I'm sure I didn't)

e.g. When I was a teenager, I could go out as late as I wanted.

general ability
e.g. Tom could walk by the age of 8 months.

could have
possibility, but did not happen
e.g. I could have passed my driving test if I'd really tried.

e.g. I guess it could have been Sandra on the phone.

e.g. When I was a teenager, I couldn't stay out as late as I wanted.

general ability
e.g. I couldn't walk until I was 2.

ability in a particular situation e.g. I tried hard but I couldn't persuade him to go to the party with us.

couldn't have possibility/ability e.g. I couldn't possibly have passed my driving test, even if I'd tried harder.

e.g. It couldn't have been Sandra on the phone, could it?

with comparative adjectives e.g. I couldn't have asked for better weather on my wedding day.

e.g. I couldn't have left the dog in the car for long (so I didn't).

didn’t need to
unnecessary action not done
e.g. As I was alone this weekend, I didn't need to do any cooking (so I didn't).

had to
obligation (past form of must)
e.g. I couldn't go out last night because I had to do my homework.

may have
e.g. I guess I may have been a bit hard on her when she came home an hour late.

may not have
e.g. He may not have found out yet that he has passed the test.

might have possibility (didn't happen)
e.g. You might have been killed!
uncertainty e.g. I guess I might have been a bit hard on her when she came home an hour late.
annoyance at someone's failure to do something e.g. You might have told me that you had invited all your colleagues round for dinner!
might have known + would (idiom to ironically express that somebody's action was typical)
e.g. I might have known that he would finish with me as soon as he found out I wasn't wealthy!

might not have
e.g. He may not have found out yet that he has passed the test.

must have
e.g. He must have known how much it was going to cost. (I'm sure he knew.)
with surely in exclamations
e.g. Surely he must have known how much it was going to cost!

needn't have
unnecessary action that was actually done
e.g. Oh, you needn't have done the washing up!

ought not to have
criticism (more common is shouldn't have)
e.g. You ought not to have been so frank with him.

ought to have
expectation (should have is more common)
Why is she late? She ought to have arrived by now!

should have
Why is she late? She should have arrived by now!
should have + verbs of thinking
e.g. I should have thought you knew.
with be and adjectives, describing chance e.g. It was weird that you should have been staying in the same hostel last month.
criticism (you didn't do something, but it would have been the right thing to do)
e.g. The party was such fun last night! You should have come!

shouldn't have
e.g. You shouldn't have been so frank with him.
polite expression of thanks on receiving a gift or favour
"Here's a bottle of wine for you"
"Oh, you really shouldn't have!"

would have
events in the past that did not happen
e.g. I wouldn't have gone out with him, but he didn't ask me.
assumptions e.g. Oh, that would have been Sarah on the phone just now.

would not unwillingness
e.g. I asked Tom to close the window, but he wouldn't do it.













ought to




Descriptive Text

Posted by zizz031 | | Category: | 0 komentar

Peace Lily Care

Common Name: Peace Lily, Closet Plant
Scientific Name: Spathiphyllum
Lighting: Bright Light
Water: Heavy

Long elongated green foliage with white half shaped blooms characterizes the Peace Lily houseplant. The Peace Lily is one of the most popular houseplants. The Peace Lily (Closet Plant) is one of my top 10 easy to grow houseplants.

Thriving in lower lighted areas make this plant work almost anywhere. Try to keep it within 5 to 8 feet of a window for best results. Do not place your plant in direct sun. Direct sunlight can damage the Peace Lily's foliage. If the leaves begin to yellow, it may mean it is receiving too much sunlight. Move it to a less lighted area.

The main care requirement for your Peace Lily is water. This plant requires heavy watering, but you must allow the soil to dry out in-between watering to a point as well. This houseplant will let you know when it needs water. The leaves will begin to droop. Allowing the foliage to droop slightly in-between watering has turned out to be successful for me. However, do not let it droop severely. Once the plant is watered the foliage will spring back up. If you allowed it to dry out too much, some of the lower leaves may yellow and need to be removed.

This plant also loves higher humidity levels, so providing it with a nice misting a couple times a week will help the plant remain beautifully healthy.

Please keep pets and children away from this plant. It is one of many poisonous houseplants.
Descriptive text is to describe a particular person, place, thing or event.
Sometimes in a spoken text, you may use fillers, such as, er, um,...etc

Stucture of the text:

  1. Identification: identifies the phenomenon to be describe
  2. Description: describes parts, qualities and the characteristics of the person, place, thing or event to be described.

Minggu, 13 Februari 2011

Vocabulary Around House

Posted by zizz031 | Minggu, 13 Februari 2011 | Category: | 0 komentar

Rooms in a house kitchen(s) living room(s) bedroom(s) bathroom(s) attic(s)
shoulder neck Learn more about appearances here.

Function of rooms:

Attic People store things in the attic.
Ballroom A room in stately homes where rich people dance and concerts are held.
Box Room A small room used for storage.
Cellar Underneath the house.
Cloakroom A small room where people put their coats.
Conservatory A greenhouse attached to a house for the display of plants.
Dining Room A room where people eat.
Drawing Room A room in stately homes where rich people entertain.
Games Room A room in large houses where games are played.
Hall The entrance passage to a house.
Larder A small room used for the storage of food.
Library A room where books are kept.
Lounge Another name for living room.
Music Room A room where people play music.
Office A room where people work.
Pantry A small room used to store kitchen and dining items.
Parlour Old fashioned word for living room.
Sitting Room Another name for living room.
Spare Room/
Guest Room
A room where guests sleep.
Toilet A room where people go to the toilet (often known as WC)
Utility Room A room where appliances such as washing machines are used.

Things you may find around the house:

light bulb(s)
plug(s) socket(s) torch(es)
light bulb(s) plug(s) socket(s) torch(es)
ceiling light(s) lamp(s) curtain(s)
ceiling light(s) lamp(s) curtain(s)
shelf(shelves) (tele)phone(s) box(es)
shelf (shelves) (tele)phone(s) box(es)
plug(s) battery(ies) photo(graph)(s)
plug(s) battery (batteries) photo(graph)(s)

Anatomy of a Room

Preposition In, On, At

Posted by zizz031 | | Category: | 0 komentar

A preposition is a word or groups of words used before a noun or a pronoun to show place, position, time or method. A preposition can have many usage.

Here are some preposition and some of their usages:
  • Preposition In: use 'in' with periods of times and places
Examples:-month: in March
-season: in winter
-country: in Indonesia
-city or town names: in Palangka Raya
-times of the day: in the morning
  • Preposition On: use 'on' with specific days.
on Saturday, on New Year's Day, on March 20, on the weekend

  • Preposition At: use 'at' with specific time and place
at school, at 7 O'clock, at night

Asking If Someone Remember or Not

Posted by zizz031 | | Category: | 0 komentar

There are many expression

Formal Expression:
  • I wonder if you remember.....
  • You remember...., don’t you?
  • You haven’t forgotten...., have you?
  • Don’t you remember.....?
  • you happen to remember it now?
Ways to respond:
  • Let me think, yes, I remember.
  • I remember especially the scenery.
  • I’ll never forget that
  • I’ll always remember.
  • I can remember it clearly.
Informal expressions:
  • Remember the old house we used to live in?
  • Remember that?
  • I’m sorry I don’t remember
Ways to respond:
  • Hold on. Yes, got it!
  • I know.....
  • It’s coming back to me now.
Respond if you forget:
  • Sorry, I’ve completely forgotten.
  • I’m affraid I forget.
  • I really can’t remember.
  • I’m afraid I have no memory of him
  • Errr, let me think. No, it’s gone.Sorry, it slipped off my mind.


Posted by zizz031 | | Category: | 0 komentar

The expression of “ Would you like....”is normally used for offering something to someone.
Ratna : Would you like a juice, Brenda?
Brenda : Yes, please. Thank you. Hmmm...this juice tastes good
Ratna : Thank you. I’m glad you like it.

Expression of offering:
Ways to say it
* Would you like a cup of tea, Carol?
* Should I get you a bottle of water?
* Could I offer you a glass of milk, Veronika?
* Would you care some salad?
Offering to friends:
* Want some?
* Have some?
* Chocolate?
* Grab some for yourself
Less formal expressions:
* Would you like to have a pancake?
* Why don't you have some lemonade?
* What can I get for you?
* What will you have?Declining an offering
* No, thanks
.* No, really won't, thanks
* Not for me, thanks.
Accepting an offering:
* Thank you.
* Yes, please
* I'd like it very much
* That would be very nice

Finite Verb

Posted by zizz031 | | Category: | 0 komentar


A finite verb is a verb that is inflected for person and for tense according to the rules and categories of the languages in which it occurs. Finite verbs can form independent clauses, which can stand by their own as complete sentences.
A non-finite verb has no subject, tense or number. The only non-finite verb forms are the infinitive (indicated by to), the gerund or the participle.
Some Types Tense:
  • Finite verb forms include: I go, she goes, he went
  • Non-finite verb forms include: to go, going, gone
Identify the finite verbs in a sentence:
  1. Most finite verbs can take an -ed or a -d at the end of the word to indicate time in the past:cough, coughed; celebrate, celebrated.
  2. Nearly all finite verbs take an -s at the end of the word to indicate the present when the subject of the verb is third-person singular: cough, he coughs; celebrate, she celebrates.
  3. Finite verbs are often groups of words that include such auxiliary verbs as can, must, have, and be: can be suffering, must eat, will have gone.
  4. Finite verbs usually follow their subjects: He coughs. The documents had compromised him. They will have gone.
  5. Finite verbs surround their subjects when some forms of a question are asked: Is he coughing? Did they celebrate?

Asking for Information

Posted by zizz031 | | Category: | 0 komentar

There are a number of formulas when asking for information:
  • Could you tell me...?
  • Do you know...?
  • Do you happen to know....?
  • I'd like to know...
  • Could you find out...?
  • I'm interested in...
  • I'm looking for...
  • Could you give me some information about...
  • Is it true that...
  • Have you got an idea of...
These two forms are used for asking information on the telephone:
  • I'm calling to find out...
  • I'm calling about...

Surprise and Disbelief

Posted by zizz031 | | Category: | 0 komentar

Surprises and disbelief is an expression that we show/say when know/hear/see something that rather difficult to believe.

Expressing Surprise:
  • Wow! What a surprise!
  • That's a surprise!
  • That's very surprising!
  • Really?
  • What?
  • Are you serious? You must be joking!
  • You're kidding!
  • Fancy that!
  • I must say it surprise me
  • I find it hard to believe
  • Yeah!
  • It is
  • Yup!
  • Sure
  • It's true
  • I'm serious
  • No, I'm not
  • Does it?
  • It is, isn't it?
When you got surprising fact, you can say:
  • Do you know what?
  • Believe it or not?
  • You may not believe it, but.....
  • Can you believe this?
Example of Surprise:
Rensi: Whose car is that?
Yeyen: It's Tami
Rensi: Are you kidding me?
Yeyen: No, I'm not. I saw her riding that car this morning
Rensi: What's surprise!

Expressing Disbelief:
  • I don't believe it
  • It can't be true
  • I can't think of it
  • I don't trust you
Example of Disbelief:
Tetty: I heard the news about tiren. What is tiren, Diana?
Diana: "Tiren" stand for "mati kemarin". It is chicken meat taken from a dead chicken. In other word, it is a corpse.
Tetty: I can't believe this! How can people sell such chicken meat?
Diana: Some say, they want to get more bucks of money.
Tetty: I don't think they should do it. They cheat the buyers.
Diana: More than that. They harm the buyers.
Tetty: That's right!

Gratitude, Complement, and Congratulation

Posted by zizz031 | | Category: | 0 komentar

Gratitude is also called thanking.
We say "thank you" when people give us something, give a compliment, wish us something, etc.

Expressing Gratitude:
  • I should like to express my gratitude
  • Thank you very much
  • Thank for your help
  • How can I thank you?
  • I'm very grateful to you
  • I can't thank you enough
  • I'm very much obliged to you
  • It was the least I could do
  • You're welcome
  • No big deal
  • Don't metion it
  • It's a pleasure
  • That's all right
  • Any time
Compliment is expression that used to give praising to other people.
Some people use compliment to better up some dayor to flatter in order to increasegood will.

Expression Compliment:
  • Good grades!
  • Excellent!
  • Nice work!
  • Good job!
  • What a nice dress!
  • You look great!
  • You look very nice!
  • You look beautiful!
  • You look handsome!
  • I really must expressmy admiiration for your dance
Congratulation is expression that used to said congratulate to someone when get a success.

Expression Congratulation:
  • Conratulation on your success
  • I must congratulate you
  • Congrats! Finally, your dream comes true!
  • Please accept mywarmest congratulations
  • I'd like to be first to congratulate you

Passive Voice

Posted by zizz031 | | Category: | 0 komentar

Passive voice is used:
  • when we want to shift the importance
Example:Ariel gave Luna flowers
Luna was given flowers by Ariel
  • when we don't know who did it or it is not important who did it
The murderer was finally arrested
  • to make the information sound more formal
Action must be taken immediately

To change a sentences from active into passive:
1. The object becomes the subject in the passive voice
2. The tense remains the same tense, but it is moved from the main verb to the verb 'be'
3. The verb is in past participel

* Simple Present
ACTIVE (A) : George helps Bella
PASSIVE (P) : Bella is helped by George

* Present Continuous
A : George is helping Bella
P : Bella is being helped by George

* Present Perfect
A : George has helped Bella
P : Bella has been helped by George

* Simple Past
A : George helped Bella
P : Bella was helped by George

* Past Continuous
A : George was helping Bella
P : Bella was being helped by George

* Past Perfect
A : George had helped Bella
P : Bella had been helped by George

* Simple Future
A : George will help Bella
P : Bella will be helped by George

* Be going to
A : George is going to help Bella
P : Bella is going to be helped by George

* Future Perfect
A : George will have helped Bella
P : Bella will have been helped by George
